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We didn’t manage a mega tour overseas this summer, though I feel that something along those lines is brewing… We did host a few cycle tourists from various countries through Warm Showers though, which always feels a bit like visiting a different country, without actually leaving our home. And we did also get away for a 5 day mini tour around East Sussex.

Hatty and Wilf both upgraded to bigger bikes with 26″ wheels this year and it has been quite a game changer. The biggest distance we cycled in a single day was about 30km on this tour, but it felt like they could have comfortably done more and certainly gone on at that pace for several weeks.

Hatty is now riding a Squish 26, which feels very similar in quality and geometry to the Frog bikes. Wilf is back on an Islabike, this time a Beinn 26. They both ride very well and the kids looked great riding them fully loaded.

I managed to edit together a video this time which shows the route and some of the highlights. Here it is:

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